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1 Publicaciones | 3 Traducciones | 39 Favoritos

Blog de Jack Sugar

Journal intime d'un supermarché

Capítulo: 2 página: 16

I Love Juice

Capítulo: página: 35


[Portefolio] Journal intime d'un supermarché
Owii, vive cette potion ! °w° "Elle" est tellement mieux comme ça...


Nueva página de Mash-Up

En English, chapitre 3, page 3

Nueva página de Zelda "Link's Awakening"

En English, chapitre 4, page 24


Salutations, Mash-Up a enfin autant de "favoris" que Zelda Link's Awakening ! TwT
La suite, je bosse dessus. Elle arrive ce mois-ci, j'avais dit, et je ferais tout pour tenir mes engagements.

Je tiens à partager avec vous un devoir d'anglais que j'ai fait avec un ami. Certains d'entre vous pourraient voir les réferences. Le thème était un monde post-apo. (Donc ouais, c'est de la merde et en anglais, mais c'est un bon délire)

Ten years ago, an asteroid reversed polarity of the magnetic field on earth. This caused the dysfunction of every technological device and the biggest starvation all time. Survivors called this event "the Reverse".
The story takes place in Creuse City, a town in the middle of the France, in the American controlled zone.
Sylvain was staring at a rock, reminding the wrestling he he used to watch before the Reverse.
Suddenly, a flash dazzled him. Unexpectedly, he saw a golden spaceship falling down to the ground. After he heared the crash, he didn't see any explosion. He waved goodbye to the rock and he marched to the spacecraft. After walking for a couple hours, he finally reached it.
He could perceive a woman. She had long blond hair, and was sitting next to the nave -was it her's? Sylvain ran to her, shouting at her to ask if she was okay. She did not say a word. As he effloresced her hand, his mind was assaulted by a flash.
Colors creeping in his head, he was feeling like triping. Dreaming to be surrounded by weird yet magnificent lands, he felt like getting closer to something. Something powerfull and wise. Suddenly, before him was Raptor Jesus, the past messiah, but the golden ship and the mysterious girl were not there. It was a divine apparition !
When he came back to the sad and colorless reality, he knew he could trust Mary -the blond haired girl, even if he had no clue about how her name had come to him. With only a simple touch, she taught him telepathically were they could find the Lord, who would be able to restore technology and civilisation to his world : they had to go to save him from Kim Jung's secret cave, where technology was preserved and permitted to keep Raptor Jesus enjailed.
With a nod, Sylvain showed Mary he had understood. He threw one last look at what was left of Creuse City and took Mary's hand. Here they were, running far away from the ship, leaving for a journey in Earth's womb, to find savior Raptor Jesus and rebuild the world, starting with Creuse City, stronger and more decadent technologically than ever.


J'ai lu, mais question références =/ rien qui s'adresse vraiment à moi. Je passe la main.

La serie revolution,raptor jesus,la vierge et son vaisseau et bien sur le christ cosmique!!

Pas grave, Zorga, Mas a saisi ;)
Plus qu'à attendre l'arrivée de notre fou de rôtissoire...

The Reverse me fait penser Eobard Thwane/Zoom de l'univers DC. Le vaisseau couleur or de la Vierge Marie et cet abruti de Sylvain Durif, le Christ Cosmique WTF MDRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Chaque mois, nouveau theme !
Hum... il s'est trompé, son menton n'est pas vers le mur è_è


Capítulo: 10 página: 8

Le Poing de Saint Jude Capítulo: 4 página: 5

Les Sentinelles Déchues Capítulo: 2 página: 7


Nueva página de Zelda "Link's Awakening"

En English, chapitre 4, page 23


Meme fessier fait!!! =D
(âme sensible s'abstenir hihi!)


ahaha harupopo, c'est en effet bizarre de voir des fesses expressives mais c'était trop tentant à faire *o*)/

ahaha harupopo, c'est en effet bizarre de voir des fesses expressives mais c'était trop tentant à faire *o*)/

OMG, o_o this ass........

je sais Asae kun, plus vivant ça n'existe pas xD

Joyeux anniversaire Velkia ! ^w^


Et merci Chu ! *w*

C'est super beau !!!
Bonne anniversaire Velkia !

Velkia: Ouais c'est un peu inspiré, mais sans plus ^^

Azulia: Merci =D

Merci Azulia ! ^^
Mana, ok. :)

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